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·清西陵:清朝两大帝王陵寝墓群之一  ·北京郭沫若故居  ·优秀影人:新疆摄影家——史志强  ·九曲黄河第一镇——山西碛口古镇  ·七成居民认为房价过高 京燕郊房价巨降 雪崩时代到了?  ·中国热泉集中地——云南腾冲热海  ·走进凤凰古城 体验古老而神秘的气息  ·每周影人:广西摄影家区柏林  ·元阳梯田:正值最佳旅游季节  ·苏南明珠——江苏昆山锦溪古镇  ·广西桂林靖江王城旧址:我国保存最完好的明朝藩王府第  ·多地旅游渐“休眠” 黑龙江冬季旅游热浪开涨  ·七星湖:河北承德塞罕坝的北斗  ·西藏入境旅游开放后首个美国旅游团入藏  ·优秀影人:北京摄影家屠晓白  
CCN传媒图片网 www.ccnpic.com  责任编辑:孟波  

Bridge: Shanghai Lupu bridge Pudain Rd area – Huangpu River 
Catalog CN-260
 “The road up – and the road down is one – and the same.”
__________Heraclitus (540-480 BC)

Bridge images demonstrate traditional descriptions without words. Bridge definition - the cognitive environment for city masses - Bridge landscape photography, which be reasonably accepted by viewers as intended to be more than just face value, so external information is not lacking within images specified details – means of conveying bridge and landscape image implications.

Robert Le Johnno  July 2013
Notice right usage terms – catalog CN 260 Public domain & open source.

 (CCN传媒图片网 孟波)

(文章来源:CCN传媒图片网 乐骄傲)

电 话:52837246
